カテゴリ: IMF WEO 世界経済見通し 2024年10月
指標: 消費者物価指数 指数
国: 日本
単位: 指数
指標注記: Expressed in averages for the year, not end-of-period data. A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the prices of goods and services that households consume. Such changes affect the real purchasing power of consumers' incomes and their welfare. As the prices of different goods and services do not all change at the same rate, a price index can only reflect their average movement. A price index is typically assigned a value of unity, or 100, in some reference period and the values of the index for other periods of time are intended to indicate the average proportionate, or percentage, change in prices from this price reference period. Price indices can also be used to measure differences in price levels between different cities, regions or countries at the same point in time. [CPI Manual 2004, Introduction] For euro countries, consumer prices are calculated based on harmonized prices. For more information see http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-BE-04-001/EN/KS-BE-04-001-EN.PDF.]
国注記: Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Latest actual data: 2023 Notes: The CPI basket was constructed by averaging 2019 and 2020 weights. Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2020 Primary domestic currency: Japanese yen Data last updated: 09/2024
政権: 未選択
景気: 未選択
データ元: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/SPROLLS/world-economic-outlook-databases