カテゴリ: IMF WEO 世界経済見通し
指標: NGSD_NGDP 国内純貯蓄 GDP比
国: 日本
単位: GDP比率(%)
指標注記: Expressed as a ratio of gross national savings in current local currency and GDP in current local currency. Gross national saving is gross disposable income less final consumption expenditure after taking account of an adjustment for pension funds. [SNA 1993] For many countries, the estimates of national saving are built up from national accounts data on gross domestic investment and from balance of payments-based data on net foreign investment.
国注記: Source: Cabinet Office of Japan via Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2023 Notes: the recent revision didn t go back pre-1994 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2015 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980 Primary domestic currency: Japanese yen Data last updated: 09/2024
政権: 未選択
景気: 未選択
データ元: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/SPROLLS/world-economic-outlook-databases