カテゴリ: IMF WEO 世界経済見通し 2024年10月
指標: 名目国内総生産の潜在ギャップ 潜在GDP比
国: 日本
単位: 潜在GDP比率(%)
指標注記: Output gaps for advanced economies are calculated as actual GDP less potential GDP as a percent of potential GDP. Estimates of output gaps are subject to a significant margin of uncertainty. For a discussion of approaches to calculating potential output, see Paula R. De Masi, IMF Estimates of Potential Output: Theory and Practice, in Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook (Washington: IMF, December 1997), pp. 40-46.
国注記: See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency).
政権: 未選択
景気: 未選択
データ元: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/SPROLLS/world-economic-outlook-databases