カテゴリ: IMF WEO 世界経済見通し
指標: LE 期待寿命 人
国: 日本
単位: 人
規模: 百万
指標注記: Employment can be defined by either the national definition, the ILO harmonized definition, or the OECD harmonized definition. Persons who during a specified brief period such as one week or one day, (a) performed some work for wage or salary in cash or in kind, (b) had a formal attachment to their job but were temporarily not at work during the reference period, (c) performed some work for profit or family gain in cash or in kind, (d) were with an enterprise such as a business, farm or service but who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason. [Current International Recommendations on Labour Statistics, 1988 Edition, ILO, Geneva, page 47]
国注記: Source: Cabinet Office of Japan via Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2023 Employment type: National definition Primary domestic currency: Japanese yen Data last updated: 09/2024
政権: 未選択
景気: 未選択
データ元: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/SPROLLS/world-economic-outlook-databases