Category: IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO)
Indicator: TXG_RPCH Volume of exports of goods. Percent change
Country: United States
Unit: Percent change
Scale: Units
Subject Notes: Percent change of volume of exports of goods refers to the aggregate change in the quantities of exports of goods whose characteristics are unchanged. The goods and their prices are held constant, therefore changes are due to changes in quantities only. [Export and Import Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, Glossary]
Country Series Specific Notes: Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2023 Base year: 2017 Methodology used to derive volumes: Trade volumes are taken from corresponding components of the national income and product accounts. Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Excluded items include: US trade with US possessions; merchandise shipped in transit through the US from one foreign country to another; other items mainly related to government activities (shipments of furniture, equipment, supplies to US government agencies); monetary gold and silver; issued monetary coins of all component metals; shipments to US Armed Forces for their own use; bunker fuels and other supplies/equipment for use of departing vessels, planes; imports of articles repaired under warranty. For more detail see Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other;. Oil imports is petroleum and product imports and oil exports is petroleum and product exports as published in the national income and product accounts Valuation of exports: Other Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 10/2024
Administration: Not selected
Economy: Not selected
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